Popular Posts Posted on December 28, 2008 by ruchi Enable WPA Wireless access point in Ubuntu Linux Enable and Disable Ubuntu Root Password Debian Mail Server Setup with Postfix + Dovecot + SASL + Squirrel Mail Avast Antivirus for Ubuntu Desktop Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) LAMP Server Installation with Screenshots Howto Crack Rar, 7z, and zip files in Linux Recover Data From a dead hard drive using ddrescue Install and Configure Apache2 with PHP5 and SSL Support in Debian Etch Ubuntu Edgy Upgrade Common Problems With solutions Install Mplayer in Ubuntu Linux Private and Public IP Addresses Explained Upgrade Ubuntu Dapper to Ubuntu Edgy Eft Mount your widows Partitions and make it read/writable in ubuntu Backup and Restore Your Ubuntu System using Sbackup Ubuntu Networking for Basic and Advanced Users Ubuntu LAMP Server Installation With Screenshots Ubuntu Multimedia Center – A new Ubuntu-based Linux distribution How to install Thunderbird in Ubuntu Install VLC Media Player in Ubuntu Simple Package management with Synaptic Package Manager in Ubuntu Protect Ubuntu Desktop From Viruses Using AVG Antivirus Running Internet Explorer in Debian and ubuntu Linux MRTG Installation and Configuration in Debian based Distributions Install libdvdcss and w32 video codecs in Debian and ubuntu Install .rpm Files in Debian and Ubuntu How To Install Skype 2.0 in Debian Lenny Kubuntu 6.06 LTS Installation with Screenshots Setting up Dial-up connection in Ubuntu Ubuntu Edgy Eft Desktop Installation With Screenshots A SUCCESSFULL installation guide to VHCS2 on Debian Etch (4.0) Gmail Notifier for Ubuntu Howto Boot debian in text mode instead of graphical mode (GUI) Linux SNMP OID’s for CPU,Memory and Disk Statistics How to Install Adobe Flash in Debian Etch/Lenny/Sid How to filter spam with Spamassassin and Postfix in Debian Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) Alpha 3 Screenshots Gallery (Updated with new wallpaper,theme) Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Release Dates Linux Directory Structure Overview Change hostname or Server name of a Linux Machine Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) Step By Step Installation with Screenshots Debian Etch Beta3 Graphical-mode installation With screenshots Mysql Database Server Installation and Configuration in Ubuntu Setup Easy Hosting Control Panel (ehcp) for Debian/Ubuntu Install Firefox2 in Ubuntu and List of Recomended Addons Configure GMail in Evolution, Thunderbird or KMail How to sendemail from the command line using a Gmail account and others Install KDE Desktop in Ubuntu Debian and Ubuntu Linux Run Levels List of Ubuntu Based Linux Distributions and Live Cd’s Basic Linux Commands With Man Pages Webmin Installation and Configuration in Debian and Ubuntu Linux Automatically Inventory your Machine hardware and software Using OCS Inventory NG sshpass – Non-interactive ssh password authentication Running ASP.NET Applications in Debian and Ubuntu using XSP and Mono Install Skype Instant messanger in Debian and ubuntu