If you forget your password for compressed archive (rar, 7z, zip), this program is the solution.This program uses bruteforce algorithm to find correct password. You can specify wich characters will be used in password generations.
Warning: Please don’t use this program for any illegal things!
Preparing your system
First you need to install the following package
#apt-get install libxml2-dev build-essential
Now you need to download the latest version of rarcrack from here
#wget http://surfnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/rarcrack/rarcrack-0.2.tar.bz2
Now you have rarcrack-0.2.tar.bz2 file and you need to extract this file
#tar -xjf rarcrack-0.2.tar.bz2
#cd rarcrack-0.2
You must be root to run the following command
#make install
Using Rarcrack
rarcrack your_encrypted_archive.ext [--threads thread_num
] [--type rar|zip|7z
rarcrack something.rar
After the cracking started RarCrack will print the current status of cracking and save it’s to a status file. If you want more specific password character set, you need to run RarCrack to create the XML status file (3 sec).
guys this is totaly working!!!You creator you are awesome!VERY EASY INSTALLATION AND QUICK PASSWORD CRACK IN SLOW COM!
D: Error: Couldn’t detect archive types. What I cand do?
If the extension is rar.. try using the option “–type rar”
example :- rarcrack filename.rar –type rar
Make sure you do `–type ` after the file name…
Brilliant. Thank you.
you may get the deb here:
haha! I cracked myself up reading your coment, I totally agree with you. You demonstrated flawlessly how much easy is to solve problems using standard gnu tools
you should be suspicios that this numbers are unreal. actually, this is a mistake, as unrar-nonfree is not processing the rar files because its parameters are not compatible
Please help… It seems that does not work! Because after a whole night, this has got to this point…
pluto@pluto# rarcrack testfile.rar –threads 4 –type rar
RarCrack! 0.2 by David Zoltan Kedves ([email protected])
INFO: the specified archive type: rar
INFO: cracking testfile.rar, status file: testfile.rar.xml
Probing: ‘3A’ [0 pwds/sec]
Probing: ‘3A’ [0 pwds/sec]
Probing: ‘3A’ [0 pwds/sec]
Probing: ‘3A’ [0 pwds/sec]
It seems that go so slow… do one line of “Probing: ‘3A’ [0 pwds/sec]” every 3 seconds… I’m getting old! 😉
I also tried with: (
# john –wordlist=/usr/share/john/password.lst –rules –stdout | xargs -I jtr unrar e -pjtr testfile.rar
fopen: john.ini: No such file or directory
how to fix this:
gcc -pthread rarcrack.c `xml2-config –libs –cflags` -O2 -o rarcrack
/bin/sh: 1: xml2-config: not found
In file included from rarcrack.c:21:0:
rarcrack.h:25:48: fatal error: libxml/xmlmemory.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Makefile:6: recipe for target ‘all’ failed
make: *** [all] Error 1