Setup Easy Hosting Control Panel (ehcp) for Debian/Ubuntu

ehcp is a new Hosting Control Panel in Linux world. Although it is in beta stage, its basic functions are well functioning. it operates strongly with debian/ubuntu”s apt-get package manager..

it differs from other control panels, or even other opensource panels that, ehcp is the first and only: opensource,full php, object oriented, gpl, free hosting control panel on the earth !

You may use ehcp to easily setup a hosting environment, for yourself or for selling hosting..You may also use it for only ftp hosting..


A clean ubuntu or any debian based linux install. nothing else. Any apt-get enabled linux is enaugh.

to install copy and paste following on your linux console:


tar -zxvf ehcp_latest.tgz

cd ehcp


the installer will ask some questions about your settings, then will automatically install any needed server programs such as apache, mysql and so on..

After installer finishes, navigate to localhost (if you installed on local) or to ip by typing at address bar of your browser.

default login: admin
default pass: 1234

you may find additional information check here, test ehcp on a real server at

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24 thoughts on “Setup Easy Hosting Control Panel (ehcp) for Debian/Ubuntu

  1. hi nice tut ho to log in webmail it ask for username and password
    thanks thanks man good tut and good software too

  2. at webmail login, you should enter your mail username as: [email protected] and password.
    To be able to login, you need to define your mail inside ehcp panel.

    other info:
    ehcp can also be used for ftp hosting, ftp management. because, it can be used direct ftp account creation, without domain..

    see you.

  3. Current Features of ehcp:
    Domain, dns, email, ftp, mysql management
    language support,
    troubleshooter for common problems
    %99 php simple installer, %1 shell script, apt-get based installer,
    Unlimited Resellers, domains, hostings
    automatically installs and works: dns, apache, mysql, ftp, email, domains,
    most easy install: copy & paste in console and watch
    ready to use after install – at ubuntu,debian
    tested on debian
    ftp account without domain
    ftp/domain application, admin approves those applications.
    adodb based database operations, can easily be ported to other dbs

    future plans:
    * subdomain implementation,
    * custom dns management,
    * plugin/hook system
    * webbased install, where possible,

  4. New version released: 0.25
    Whats new:
    webmail, Server Backup/Restore, installer improved…

    ask your questions at Forums page

  5. version 0.26 released, this seems a stable release.

    New release introduces many new features (with respect to previous versions) such as:
    * Custom http
    * Custom dns
    * Subdomains
    * Password protected directories
    * server backup/restore
    * Different Menus for Server Admin, Reseller, domain admin
    * pop-before-smtp for email authentication, easier now..

    and many installer improvements,
    you may download and install ehcp by:
    open console, enter/copy and paste following :

  6. new features:
    * Easy Script installs (one-click installs)
    * custom http
    * custom dns
    * subdomains
    * password protected domains
    * email forwardings
    * domain transfer to another user
    * webftp (net2ftp)
    * multiple templates
    * security, installer improved

    Existing features:

    * Mangement of :domains, dns, email, ftp, mysql, phpmyadmin, webmail (squirrelmail), resellers, panelusers,
    * Opensource, GPL, full php, object oriented, modular, easily modifiable/extendable design..
    * server backup/restore,
    * Different Menus for Server Admin, Reseller, domain admin

    How you can help/support:
    Sory for Turkish/English mixture,


    if you wish to support ehcp, you may do by means of providing the following, whichever you can:

    1- Server
    2- Virtual Server, vps,
    3- Reseller Account for hosting
    4- Hosting Account
    5- Coding, programming support
    6- html design support
    7- Advertise support
    8- Testing support, bug-report
    9- Donate to ehcp (look here)
    10- Suggest new features,

    and so on..

    ehcp’ye destek olmak isterseniz, imkanlar?n?z olcusunde
    a?a??dakilerden birini veya birkacini saglayabilirsiniz:

    1- Sunucu,
    2- Sanal sunucu, vps,
    3- Reseller hesab?
    4- Hosting
    5- Kodlama Deste?i
    6- Html tasar?m deste?i
    7- Tan?t?m Deste?i
    8- Test etme
    9- ehcp ye bagis (look here)
    10- yeni ozellikler onerin…

  7. test server moved to:, you may setup your domain in that machine and see it running !

    ehcp version 0.27 released with features:
    * Easy Script installs (one-click installs)
    * custom http
    * custom dns
    * subdomains
    * password protected domains
    * email forwardings
    * domain transfer to another user
    * webftp (net2ftp)
    * multiple templates
    * security, installer improved

  8. Version 0.28 released:

    New features:
    * More Easy Script Installs – May be added by admin – 18 scripts now:
    cms- joomla – 1.5.4
    phpbb Forum script-3.02-tr
    cms – drupal 6.6
    CMS – xoops
    netoffice Online Project Management
    phpmyadmin 3.0
    blog – b2evolution 2.4.5
    cms – wordpress
    cms – modx
    cms – e107
    cms – tikiwikicms – Huge !
    Gallery – Coppermine
    cms – cmsmadesimple
    cms – e-xoops
    cms – MemHT 4.01
    Mediawiki 1.13.2
    ecommerce – Magento ..

    * Server Backup Restore improved
    * templates improved
    * Mail user login&change self pass
    * Mysql add db to same dbuser
    * Easy Redirect domain to another domain/url
    * Webstats – Webalizer
    * Login for server admin, reseller, domain admin, mail user,
    * Able to use separate mysql server for users- Intro to multi-server ControlPanel

  9. I would like to add an FTP user to have access to only a subdomain of my regular domain Pretty much I have the FTP user and would like to add an ftp user to have access to only, I have found 1 way of doing it by adding a second domain (not a subdomain but a domain) and assigned that to a FTP user but upon doing so I no longer can access any subdomains of such as my subdomain is there a way around this, or a way of doing this?

  10. Various ftp options will be available soon with version 0.29.10

    add ftp
    add ftp with subdomain
    add ftp under your domain folders
    add ftp under your ftp folders..

    will be released soon..

  11. add ftp
    add ftp with subdomain
    add ftp under your domain folders
    add ftp under your ftp folders..

    will be released soon..

  12. As of version 0.29.12:
    add ftp with subdomain
    add ftp under your domain folders
    add ftp under your ftp folders..

    new version of 0.29.13 coming soon with:
    email pass change in webmail,
    dyndns support,
    ehcp api, to use ehcp functions/libraries from within another php application.
    a few bugfix,
    new template for ehcp interface

  13. iS this only works for Debian and ubuntu?
    I want to implement this on my Fedora 12 ?

  14. Very good article! thank you to the author for it! In it interesting and useful information it is possible often times re-read it! I will advise to read it all friends. It will be very useful at writing of the article. Very much thankful you.

  15. very nice nice nice hosting panel….. easy philosophy has proved at there…:thumbs up: – i’ve try other hosting panel-, but i still looking for troubleshoot —-since i’m new in here… 😀
    for now, my problem is…
    1. webmail – try to create usermail, login with username@domain, still not work ;(
    2. ftp – try to create userftp, still can’t login, (but anonymous can), i still can upload file from scp, but i’m affraid when my user don’t have that access 😀

  16. (continued)
    ftp error said : /var/www/new/ehcp/net2ftp/includes/ on line 61

    webmail error: Unknown user or password incorrect.

  17. This is a great Control panel. I’d never heard of it before until I found this post. So I followed the instructions and installed from the command line on my Debian 5 Lenny, all installed perfectly!.

    The only problem I seem to have is when setting auto-reply on email accounts.
    That won’t work and it seems to keep creating lines in my server console log:

    Aug 23 12:06:34 Jason-Debian5 pipe[17442]: fatal: pipe_command: execvp /var/www/new/ehcp/misc/autoreply.php: Permission denied

    Anyone know what is going wrong?

    Another bug I found, If you have a domain set-up and then set it Active/De-Active domain, you have a drop down box with Active and Passive.
    If I chose Passive the domain is gone, which is how it works, But, when I chose to Active it again it just won’t work. And I had to delete the domain and re-create it.
    So best to avoid using that.

    Another issue, I set my server to allow users to create domains, but there is username or password box for the user to create an account on the server, it simply creates the domain and I have to active it, How do I inform the owner who requested it if I don’t know his email address?.
    So I have now de-activated that again.

    In all, this is a very good free open source control panel and I am very happy using it.
    Just needs some bugs fixed.

  18. I have installed every steps that needed and process as for instruction but when I put the IP or IP/ehcp it shows 404 not found or only IP , it hsows tha apache debian default page , i did not find the admin panel

    please help me out

    Thanks in Advance

  19. When I add database users I get this following error, Some Error Occured.
    Could not connect as root!
    Can anyone help with this problem?

  20. hi have same issues as

    I have installed every steps that needed and process as for instruction but when I put the IP or IP/ehcp it shows 404 not found or only IP , it hsows tha apache debian default page , i did not find the admin panel

    please help me out

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