eBox management tool will effectively and easily help you managing the advanced services for your corporate network. eBox is a framework for the development and deployment of network services in small and medium-sized networks, offering a simplified graphical interface to non expert users. It can be set up as a gateway, having some extra features over a usual router.
If you want to download ebox check here
Installing eBox in Debian
You need to add the below source list to your /etc/apt/sources.list file and save this file
deb http://ebox-platform.com/debian/stable/ ebox/
deb http://ebox-platform.com/debian/stable/ extra/
If you have another MTA installed in your Debian Sarge box you will need to install Postfix from Debian sources before installing eBox.
Now you need to run the following commands
# apt-get update
# apt-get install ebox libebox \
ebox-network ebox-objects ebox-mail \
ebox-firewall ebox-logs ebox-samba \
ebox-dns-cache ebox-dhcp ebox-squid \
ebox-usersandgroups ebox-software ebox-ntp \
This will ask you some of the basic questions about network,squid,database,ldap,samba and other stuff you need to answer them carefully.
When you finally install “eBox platform”, we could access it from a web browser, writing the IP adress we configured before the installation on our system. Please remember, eBox uses HTTPS to access management interface. Default password for eBox administration interface is ebox.
If you want to access ebox enter https://yourserverip/ebox You shoud see the following screen
Enter the password as ebox once you logged in to the system you can see the following screen
After logging in you want know how to use ebox check ebox user guide here
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