How To Install Skype 2.0 in Debian Lenny

Skype is software that allows users to make telephone calls over the Internet. Calls to other users of the service and to free-of-charge numbers are free, while calls to other landlines and mobile phones can be made for a fee. Additional features include instant messaging, file transfer and video conferencing.

Skype is a very popular closed-source application for voice conferences and chat. It gained a lot of popularity in the last couple of years, becoming one of the most used applications for internet conversations. The latest release of Skype for Linux is 2.0.

To install Skype, you will first need to get all of its dependencies

#apt-get install libasound2 libc6 libgcc1 libqt4-core libqt4-gui libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libstdc++6 libx11-6

Note: You have to be root in order to install software in Debian. To login as root type su in any console and enter the root password. The password goes in as you type it even if no output is shown.

Next, download the Skype Debian Etch package from here At the time of writing the package is called skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb. To install it, open a console and type as root:

#dpkg -i skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb

Or whatever your package is called. You should now have Skype installed. To run in,go to Applications->Internet->Skype . Alternately, press ALT+F2 and in the Run dialogue that appears type skype, then Enter.

To remove Skype, issue the following command as root:

#dpkg -r skype

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31 thoughts on “How To Install Skype 2.0 in Debian Lenny

  1. Why did you add “Lenny” in title of the posting when Skype “deb” file exists only for “Etch”?

    Moreover, I think you should not expect every window/desktop manager has a default “Applications->Internet” menu or uses the shortcut “ALT+F2” to run a program (I am a WMaker user).

    BTW, thanks for your short notes.

    gc 🙂

  2. I got some problems installing in Lenny, it depends of qt4-core and qt4-gui, but when i tryed to install it, i get problems with dependencie of:
    libqtcore4 (= 4.4.0-4)
    libqt4-network (= 4.4.0-4)
    libqt4-script (= 4.4.0-4)
    libqt4-xml (= 4.4.0-4)
    libqt4-dbus (= 4.4.0-4)
    libqt4-test (= 4.4.0-4)
    libqtgui4 (= 4.4.0-4)
    libqt4-svg (= 4.4.0-4)
    libqt4-opengl (= 4.4.0-4)
    libqt4-designer (= 4.4.0-4)
    libqt4-assistant (= 4.4.0-4)
    I fixed by changing adding etch repositories and running:
    apt-get install libasound2 libc6 libgcc1 libqt4-core libqt4-gui libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libstdc++6 libx11-6


  3. another way, you can put the APT into sourceslist
    # vim /etc/apt/sources.list
    deb stable non-free
    aptitude update
    to install the skype:
    # aptitude install skype
    i test it under Lenny and Etch,Ubuntu Hadry worked fine 😉

    best regards

  4. Great notes Gogs – many thanks. It only took a couple of minutes – just had to add libxss1 as an extra dependency. Next task (which I’m sure will be MUCH tougher) is to try the webcam …. !

  5. The Debian Skype Repo is not available any more. You have to install it by hand in console as it’s mentioned above.

    If you use the ‘AMD64’ version of Debian Etch/Lenny, you have to use the ‘–force-all’ option in console:

    dpkg -i –force-all skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb


  6. THANKS Worked great for me on debian gnu/linux
    lenny 5.0.0. and i am new to this just installed debian last night .


  7. I downloaded the skype 2xxxxx.deb file from the site of skype and I tried to install it using the instruction: “dpkg -i skype2.0—–.deb” and it had some dependency problems. It required some libraries to be intalled first as it has been mentioned above.I solve the problem by using the instruction:
    “apt-get install -f” which fixed everything. Now it works fine.

    -I have debian lenny installed.
    -Iam a newbie to linux world,so I am sure there are more than one solutions.

  8. Great! I just had a little problem cuz Deb was telling me that libasound2 was already installed on it’s latest version. All I did was follow the instructions Deb gave me to fix the problem which is type apt-get install-f
    I did that and the problem was fixed!
    I’m kinda new to this Linux thingy, so it’s a huge step to actually install skype (I know this is simple to you all, but is a big step for me …..yay!!!! =D )

  9. The instructions worked fine for me – Debian Lenny 5 from a Linux Format disc. All the dependencies were already satisfied so it was just a case of issuing;

    dpkg -i skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb

  10. Hi folks,

    What Sia wrote is the right way to do this.

    I just created a file
    /etc/apt/sources.list.d/skype.list with this one line in it:

    deb stable non-free

    Then apt-get update and apt-get install skype as root.

    As far as I know the Skype repository currently does not provide signed packages. You have to explicitly say “y” when you get this message:

    WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
    Install these packages without verification [y/N]? y


  11. dont “force” ur debian amd64 to install a 32bit package
    What we need to do is get this file
    Now we move the contents of the file to let’s say /opt/Skype
    Create a script to launch skype
    vi /usr/bin/skype
    and put this into the script:

    cd /opt/Skype

    then give permissions
    chmod +x /usr/bin/skype
    Now we need to copy the launcher from skype directory to the apps directoy
    cp /opt/Skype/skype.desktop /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop
    and modify the file
    vi /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop
    and change from this

    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=Skype Internet Telephony

    to this

    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=Skype Internet Telephony

    now we need to install some packages
    apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk
    and thats it u can have skype working
    i’ve install skype in my Debian Lenny amd64 it works perfect

  12. Worked first time

    cat /etc/issue
    Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 \n \l

    dpkg -l skype | grep ^ii
    ii skype Skype – Take a deep breath

  13. Thanks for this article! Very helpful! And thank for guys’ comments! Those helped me to solve some problems during installation.

  14. For the AMD64 it should work what devian Said but for newbies who r used to interact with GUI more often, just type in a browser and save it.Then switch user and log in as root. Go to the location n copy it in /opt. Right click n extract all of it there. Rename the folder to Skype if u want. Right click n then properties n permissions. Allow read n right to the group ” others ” n check the check box “allow executing file as program”. just close it n get out of there immediatly ( just kiddin :-). Logout n log back in as you! then browse to /opt/skype. You’ll find two files with the name of skype.Through properties, copy the one witch is executable n has a weight! of 26 mb or so. then paste it neatly on your desktop. of course on your computer’s display’s desktop. Double click n it should work.

  15. Installed and tested skype on Debian amd64 according to Devian’s instructions. works fine.


  16. I can not install skype.I run :
    pat:/home/pat# dpkg -i skype-debian_2.1.0.81-1_i386.deb
    Kept getting :
    dpkg: error processing skype-debian_2.1.0.81-1_i386.deb (–install):eral
    cannot access archive: No such file or directory
    Errors were encountered while processing:

    The archive is on my desktop. I downloaded it several times and tired the options listed here.
    But still get this message.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  17. @ Pat
    when installing make sure ur in the same path where u have the .deb i know it may sound logical but you’re saying you have your .deb in your desktop but you’re issuing the comand from /home/pat in my case if i go to the desktop path is like this /home/devian/Desktop so im guessing you should move to /home/pat/Desktop

  18. Got skype working except the microphone. I use the above #5 method (along with some other stuff)

    This weekend I’m gonna write a debian program that will load any program with just a click of the mouse! Ill get back to you all soon!

    Thanks for the info on this website.

  19. I had to do what Bogo did to get it installed. It ran me through some confirmations. Now it is running. Woohoo!

  20. I use the Devian’s method: download static version of Skype and install 2 packages: ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk. Then Skype works fine with my Debian Lenny amd64 LXDE.

    Thank you all

  21. I followed the instructions on the post at it worked just fine. The only problem is I can see my webcam. Despite I see the icon and a webimage on cameroma I still can’t use it on skype. Any suggestion?

  22. I got this error:
    dpkg -i –force-all skype-debian_2.2.0.35-1_amd64.deb
    (Reading database … 97332 files and directories currently installed.)
    Preparing to replace skype (using skype-debian_2.2.0.35-1_amd64.deb) …
    Unpacking replacement skype …
    dpkg: skype: dependency problems, but configuring anyway as you request:
    skype depends on ia32-libs-gtk; however:
    Package ia32-libs-gtk is not installed.
    Setting up skype ( …

  23. Hi All,

    I am very new to the Linux world and having issues installing Skype. I have followed How To Install Skype 2.0 in Debian Lenny install instructions but get error: oot@root:~# dpkg -i skype-ubuntu_2.2.0.35-1_i386.deb
    dpkg: error processing skype-ubuntu_2.2.0.35-1_i386.deb (–install):
    cannot access archive: No such file or directory
    Errors were encountered while processing:

    Do I need to install extra dependencies??

    ANy help much appreciated!! Trying to contact my daughter in US

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