Applications Installation in One Click using Easyubuntu

EasyUbuntu is an easy to use script that gives the Ubuntu user the most commonly requested apps, codecs, and tweaks that are not found in the base distribution – all with a few clicks of your mouse.

EasyUbuntu is so easy to use in fact, that even your grandma could be playing encrypted dvds, streaming Windows Media, and sporting the latest Nvidia or Ati drivers in minutes! And yes, EasyUbuntu is GPL.

EasyUbuntu works on (X/K)ubuntu and on all the three architectures (x86, AMD64 and PPC).

If you want know more details about Easyubuntu project check here

Open a terminal from Menu -> Accessories -> Terminal and run the following commands

You need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and enter the source list

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

deb main easyubuntu

Save and close your text editor, then run the following command to register the EasyUbuntu repository as authenicated

wget -O – | sudo apt-key add –

From now on, EasyUbuntu should be automatically updated.

Now you need to update the source list using the following command

sudo apt-get update

Install easyubuntu in Ubuntu dapper and Edgy Eft

sudo apt-get install easyubuntu

You can also use synaptic or adept for installation (recommended)
This will complete the installation and if you want to access easyubuntu you need to Applications—>System Tools—>Easyubuntu you can see this in the following screen


Easyubuntu is having different types of packes under different Categories we will see one by one

Multimedia section Contains the following packages

Enhance video player: Install a better multimedia backend (totem-xine replace totem-gstreamer)

Free Codecs: Add Support for playing mp3 and other non-free formats

Binary Codecs: Add support for proprietary video and audio formats (w32codecs) (only x86)

libdvdcss: Read commercial and encrypted DVDs

MIDI: Add support for playing midi files

You can see this in the following screen


Web section Contains the following packages

Flash: Enable the Macromedia Flash plugin (only x86)

Java: Enable the Java plugin (Sun Java for x86, amd64) (IBM java for ppc)

Videos: Enable viewing videos embedded in webpages

Skype: the most popular VOIP Software

OpenWengo: Free alternative to Skype

You can see this in the following screen


Archives Contains the following packages

RAR: extract and create RAR archives

ACE: extract ACE archives

7-Zip: Extract 7-Zip archives

You can see this in the following screen


System section Contains the following packages

Repository list: Main, Universe, Multiverse and PLF (replace your previous sources.list)

Fonts: Install Microsoft and other nice fonts

Nvidia: install the official driver to enable 3D on Nvidia graphics cards

ATI: install the official driver to enable 3D on ATI graphics cards

You can see this in the following screen


Installing packages form easyubuntu

For example if you want to install 7-zip package under archives section you need totick the check box available next to 7-zip and click ok Now it will start downloading this package you can see this in the following screen


After downloading it will install this package you can see this in the following screen


After completed the installation you should see the screen like below.


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12 thoughts on “Applications Installation in One Click using Easyubuntu

  1. when i open easyubuntu from application, then it need the password, when i write the password, easyubuntu disappear, why?

  2. quote:
    youchina Says:
    November 2nd, 2006 at 2:16 am
    when i open easyubuntu from application, then it need the password, when i write the password, easyubuntu disappear, why?

    I got the same problem and I could use some help.

  3. Tried to use Easyubuntu on 6.10 (Edgy Eft), but it crashes after asking administrative password.

    Hope someone could send some instructions on how to debug or fix the problem.

  4. currently easyubuntu for edgy version is in alpha state so you need to make sure you are installing the correct version.

  5. I also tried Easyubuntu on 6.10 Edgy Eft, but it even does not ask any password – no reaction

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