Manage Runlevels,Startup scripts Using Boot Up Manager(BUM) GUI

Boot-Up Manager is a Perl-Gtk2 application to handle runlevels configuration of any debian derivative system. With this program the user will easily start and stop boot-up scripts, without the necessity to handle thru complex links and permissions.

Boot-Up Manager has been developed and tested on Ubuntu, but as it only relies on Perl-Gtk2 libraries, it can be run on any Debian-like system.

Install Boot Up Manager (BUM) in Ubuntu

If you want to install latest package you need to download from here using the following command


Now you have bum_2.1.8-1_all.deb package

Install this package using the follwoing command

sudo dpkg -i bum_2.1.8-1_all.deb

Now if you want to open BUM go to Desktop—>Administration—>BootUp-Manager you can see this in the following screen[thumb:722:c:l=p]

Once it open the BUM you should see the following screen and you can see the version details also


Now if you want to see services,startup and shutdown scripts you need to check the box next to Advanced in the bottom of BUMWindow


BUM Services windows screen


BUM startup and shutdown scripts Screen


Install Boot Up Manager (BUM) in Debian

If you want to install latest package you need to download from here using the following command


Now you have bum_2.1.8-1_all.deb package

Install this package using teh follwoing command

#dpkg -i bum_2.1.8-1_all.deb

This will complete the installation

Now if you want to open BUM go to System—>Administration—>BootUp-Manager you can see this in the following screen[thumb:726:c:l=p]

Once it open the BUM you should see the following screen and you can see the version details also


Now if you want to see services,startup and shutdown scripts you need to check the box next to Advanced in the bottom of BUM Window


BUM Services windows screen


BUM startup and shutdown scripts Screen


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