TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.
Step 1: Installation of Adobe Air.
a. Get Adobe Air via this link:
b. Choose the .deb package under the select version to download drop box
c. Go to the Terminal
d. In the Terminal go to the folder where the adobeair.deb package was saved. My package was in debpackages folder so I just type: $ cd Debpackages/
e. Within the said folder I typed $ sudo dpkg -i adobeair.deb
f. After typing the command, Debian will install the package.
After installation of Adobe Air, we go to the installation of TweetDeck.
STEP 2: Installation of TweetDeck.
a. Go to
b. Click the “Desktop” link on the website.
c. Once your in “Desktop” area of the website click the link “Download now, it’s free”
d. Adobe Air will now download/install TweetDeck.
e. After the download/install Adobe Air will ask you whether you will open, save or cancel the downloaded application.
f. Click Open and TweetDeck will install by itself.
g. During the installation TweetDeck will provide options of having a shortcut to your desktop and launching TweetDeck after installation.