Sun Microsystems is contributing Project Looking Glass, based on Java™ technology, to the open source community.
Project Looking Glass is an exploratory project to bring innovative 3D features to the desktop environment. The desktop interface will offer an intuitive, new 3D environment to interact with desktop applications featuring window transparency, rotation, zoom, multiple desktop workspaces, and miniaturization. Project Looking Glass offers a platform to realize a far richer and more entertaining user experience for existing and new applications in 2D or 3D. The technology enables developers to build highly visual 3D desktops and applications that will run on Linux systems such as Sun’s Java Desktop System. The Solaris™ environment will be supported in the near future.
Install Looking glass in Ubuntu
There are 3 LG3D repositories. The stable repository has the latest stable releases (0.8.1, 1.0 etc.). The testing repository has the pre-release builds (alpha, beta etc.) for the latest version and the unstable repsoitory has the nightly builds.
Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
and add the following line which is suitable for you save the file and exit.
# LG3D repsoitories
For stable
deb stable contrib
For testing
# deb testing contrib
For Unstable
# deb unstable contrib
Suggested one is stable one
Now you need to update the repositories using the following command
sudo apt-get update
Install looking glass using the following command
sudo apt-get install lg3d-core
This will install all the required packages for looking glass desktop environment.
If you want to access the Looking glass Desktop environment logout from the existing session and now you are on ubuntu
login screen in this you need to select options—> selectsession
You should see the following screen here you have to select looking glass and click on change session
Now it will disply the following screen in this you want to change to looking glass just for this session or if you want to make looking glass your default desktop environment.
Now it will load the looking glass desktop and looks like the following screen
One more nice screenshots of Ubuntu Looking Glass Desktop
When I select Looking Glass at startup I first see the Java welcome then my monitor goes black and I have to restart. Any ideas??
The apt-get update stop in
Err stable Release.gpg
Não foi possível conectar em (, conexão expirou
Err stable/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível conectar em (, conexão expirou
Baixados 32B em 4m1s (0B/s)
Falha ao baixar Não foi possível conectar em (, conexão expirou
Falha ao baixar Não foi possível conectar em (, conexão expirou.
Any ideas too?? It not work!
The web page is by and large down.
if you want to install looking glass, you must also install
java6 too. it’s not working with java5.
i hope i can get lg3d to run,,,can`t it be easier to install for a newbie like myself??