dpkg-repack creates a .deb file out of a Debian package that has already been installed on your system. If any changes have been made to the package while it was unpacked (ie, files in /etc modified),the new package will inherit the changes.
This utility can make it easy to copy packages from one computer to another, or to recreate packages that are installed on your system, but no longer available elsewhere.
Note: dpkg-repack will place the created package in the current directory.
Install dpkg-repack in debian
#apt-get install dpkg-repack
Install dpkg-repack in Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install dpkg-repack
This will complete the installation.
dpkg-repack Syntax
dpkg-repack [–root=dir] [–arch=architecture] [–generate] packagename [packagename …]
dpkg-repack kernel-image-2.6.16
This will create the kernel-image-2.6.16.deb package
If you want to know more information about dpkg-repack check man page
Thanks for this howto