If you’ve just bought a new desktop,laptop or server and the box says the box is powered by 2 processors, you can actually verify that.
Here’s how to display the number of processor of your linux box.
Simply issue the following command as root
# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor
Everything in linux is files. This command simply retrieves the number of processors that linux detected from /proc/cpuinfo and displays it. Usually, the processor number comes at the first set of line from issuing the command.
Here’s what the command returned for me:
processor : 0
which means You have 1 processor with a processor ID number 0. Processor counting starts with 0.
So if you have a PC with core duo, you will probably have 2 lines that says 0 and 1.That is 2 processors.
Ever heard of hyperthreading? If it’s on in the BIOS, it’ll incorrectly double the number…
Lev: I once ate that with some proliant server, it had only one CPU, and because of HyperThreading, I thought there are 2…
There is a lot simpler solution. Just type ‘top’ at the command prompt and then press ‘1’ (number one).
You will see the ACTUAL CPUs listed on the top of the page
> Simply issue the following command as root
*Not* as root, because:
# ls -l /proc/cpuinfo
-r–r–r– 1 root root 0 2007-09-03 15:49 /proc/cpuinfo
(Unless your system uses other permissions than mine, but I don’t see why it should do that.)
Misuse of cat:
> # cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor
Simply use:
# grep processor /proc/cpuinfo
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If your kernel does not have SMP support compiled in, `cat /proc/cpuinfo` will only show one processor, even if you have more than one cpu.
you say: how to display the _number_ 🙂
$ grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo
You can run the command below and you will see number of physical processors in the server:
[server][root][~]# grep "^physical is" /proc/cpuinfo | awk '{print $NF}' | uniq | wc -l
Now lets determine how many cores we have:
[server][root][~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l
So from the above, we are able to determine that we have a single CPU quad core chip.
Great. I was looking for this. Thanks.