How to fix time out waiting for prom start bit to be 0 (0xff) error in screen OS Firewall

This error occurs can occur when

A failed Screen OS upgrade, when the firewall reboots and the Screen OS image is corrupted
A failure to properly load the Firewall Screen OS resulted in this error.

Reboot the firewall, by physically powering it down for 60 seconds, then power it back up. Check to see if the error reoccurs.

If the error happens again:

Download a new copy of the ScreenOS image from the Juniper support web site (to confirm the image you have is correct).
Reboot the firewall again, and upgrade ScreenOS via the Boot/Diag mode:

Upgrade ScreenOS Software via Boot/Diag mode

To upgrade the ScreenOS firmware on the Juniper Firewall via Boot/Diag mode:

  • Connect the console from your PC to the firewall device
  • Start the Terminal Program and reset or power up the firewall device.
  • Interrupt the boot-up sequence by pressing any key when the text ‘Hit any key to run loader’ or ‘Hit any key for Boot/Diag mode’ or ‘Hit any key to load new firmware’ message is displayed:

For Example:
NetScreen NS-5XT Boot Loader Version 2.0.0 (Checksum: A1B6FF9B)
Copyright (c) 1997-2003 NetScreen Technologies, Inc.

Total physical memory: 64MB
Test – Pass
Initialization – Done

Hit any key to run loader
Hit any key to run loader
Hit any key to run loader

The Boot / Diag Menu should be displayed. Enter the following information when prompted:

  • Self IP address – enter an IP address for the firewall that is on the same subnet as the TFTP server
  • TFTP IP address -enter the IP address of the TFTP server
  • Boot File name – enter the file name of the ScreenOS version to be upgraded to

Serial Number [0052062002000203]: READ ONLY
HW Version Number [1010]: READ ONLY
Self MAC Address [0010-db20-4e80]: READ ONLY
Boot File Name [ns5xt.5.0.0r8.0]: ns5xt.5.0.0r9.0
Self IP Address []:
TFTP IP Address []:

  • After entering the information, the system displays information similar to the following:

    Save Boot Info (56 bytes) ... Done
    Loading file "ns5xt.5.0.0r9.0"...



    These are an indication the software load is in progress. The messages will go on for a few pages.

    After receiving the Loaded successful message, respond Y to the message Program to on-board flash

    Loaded successfully! (size = 2,009,852 bytes, transmit rate = 214KB/s)
    Ignore image authentication!
    Program to on-board flash? (y/[n]) Y

    After the flash is loaded, respond Y to the message Run downloaded program to complete the process.

    Program flash (offset=0, size=2009852)… +++++++++++++++ Done!
    Run downloaded program? ([y]/n) Y

    Start loading…

    I have this error message and the above procedure worked without any issues and the source is from juniperKB

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