Install QupZilla (Lightweight multiplatform web browser) in debian

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QupZilla is modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. WebKit guarante fast browsing and Qt availability on all major platforms.


Native look’n’feel

QupZilla is using native widgets style on major Linux Desktop Environments. It is also using icons from active desktop icon theme. If you find native theme too boring or have some problems with it, you can always switch to other themes.

Unified Library

QupZilla unifies bookmarks, history and rss reader in one well-arranged window. No more multiple windows, QupZilla uses just one!
With integrated rss reader, you can stay up to date with your favourite sites. QupZilla can also import bookmarks from other browsers.

Integrated AdBlock

Are you bored of websited full of advertisements? Are they eating your bandwidth and time? The only thing you need with QupZilla is to update EasyList or maybe add your own rules and start

Install QupZilla in debian

First you need to download deb package from here once you have deb package you can install by double clicking on it


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2 thoughts on “Install QupZilla (Lightweight multiplatform web browser) in debian

  1. Doesn’t work in Squeeze, or Ubuntu Lucid:

    $ qupzilla
    qupzilla: symbol lookup error: qupzilla: undefined symbol: _ZN9QLineEdit18setPlaceholderTextERK7QString


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