This tutorial will explain How to determine what device mac address is on what port on your Cisco switch.This is very useful when some user want to know if the secific port is connecting to their server/PC.
The Cisco IOS CLI command
The easiest way to see which Ethernet MAC address is on which port is to use the show mac-address-table command.
Here is an example:
switch# show mac-address-table
Mac Address Table
Vlan Mac Address Type Ports
—- ———– ——– —–
1 0007.e9e2.2d7d DYNAMIC Fa0/5
1 0009.0f30.07e9 DYNAMIC Fa0/48
1 0009.5bbc.af04 DYNAMIC Fa0/28
1 00e0.bb2c.30d1 DYNAMIC Gi0/1
1 00e0.bb2c.3e5f DYNAMIC Gi0/1
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 5
With the command, you can figure out which MAC address is on which port. When you use the command, you have to go to each switch and run the command. If the network is down, you will have to go to the console of each switch.
If you know the switch port you can use the following command
switch# show mac-address-table | i Fa0/5