Automatix is a graphical interface for automating the installation of the most commonly requested applications in Debian based Linux operating systems.
Before installing Automatix2, make sure that the non-free and contrib directories in your primary debian repository in /etc/apt/sources.list are enabled. Automatix2 depends on one or more packages from these directories. Your primary debian repository should look like something as follows
deb etch main non-free contrib
Install Automatix2 in Debian Etch
Open terminal do the following enter each line and press enter
echo “deb etch main” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
gpg --import automatix2.key
gpg --export --armor E23C5FC3 | sudo apt-key add -
Now you need to update your source list using the following command
#apt-get update
Install Automatix2 Using the following command
#apt-get install automatix2
This will complete the installation and now if you want to open the application you need to go to Applications—>System Tools—>Automatix you can see in the following screen
This will prompt for root password and enter your root password and click ok
Multimedia codecs License information just click on yes
Automatix2 is loading
Automatix2 is Updating Source list
Now you should see the following screen this is having different softwares in different categories
“Burning and Ripping” this contains the following applications
Brasero – CD Burning tool for the GNOME Desktop
GnomeBaker – The Best GTK2 CD/DVD Burning Software
Ripper and Tuner – Streamripper and Streamtuner
xDVDshrink – Linux CounterPart of DVDshrink
“Chat Clients” contains the following applications
AMSN 0.95 – MSN Client With Webcam Support
Gaim 2.0 Beta5 and extras – Install Gaim 2.0 Beta5 and extras
Gyachi – Yahoo Messanger With Voice,Webcam and lots of other features
Skype – A free Voice over IP Software
XChat – Install XChat
“Codecs and Plugins” contains the following applications
AUD-DVD Codecs – NON-FREE Audio and DVD codecs
Flash Player – Installs the adobe Flash Player Plugin for firefox
Mplayer and FF Plugin – Mplayer and Firefox 2.0 plugin
Multimedia Codecs – Commonly needed audio and video codecs
SUN Java 1.5 JRE – Sun’s Version 1.5 JRE and the firefox plugin
Swiftfox Plugins – Installs commonly used Swiftfox Plugins,MS Fonts
“Commercial Software” contains the following applications
Crossover Office Professional 6.0-1 – Install and Run Windows applications like MS Office and Adobe Photoshop
Crossover Office Standard 6.0-1 – Install and Run Windows applications like MS Office and Adobe Photoshop
“Drivers” contains the following applications
ALSA Sound Configuration – Runs Module assistant to correctly compile and configure ALSA
Lightscribe for Linux – LaCie LightScribe Labeler for Linux
NDISWrapper – A driver wrapper that allows you to use windows drivers for network cards
Nvidia Driver – Installs nVidia drivers on select nVidia cards
fooz2js drivers – Installs the drivers for the printers
spca5xx webcam drivers – Installs drivers for USB Webcams
“Email Clients” contains the following applications
Checkgmail – Gmail checker which sits in your system tray
Icedove 1.5 – Installs Icedove 1.5
“Eyecandy” contains the following applications
Gdesklets – Installs Gdesklets
“File Sharing” contains the following applications
Azures – Installs Azureus bittorrent client
Bittornado – A GTK Bittorent Client for GNOME
DCPP – Linux DC++ client
Frostwire – Install Frostwire P2P client
aMule – Latest version of a P2P file sharing client
“Media Players and Editors” contains the following applications
Audacity – A Versatile audio editor
Avidemux – Video Editing Tool
Beep Media Player – A classic winamp style audio player
DVD Ripper – Installs a GTK based DVD ripper
Democracy Player – Internet TV Platform
Easytag – A Versatile mp3 tag editor
Kino – A Versatile Video editor
Listen Media Manager – Latest Version of a new media manager and player for GNOME
RealPlayer – Installs RealPlayer
Songbird – Music Manager
VLC Media Player – Another Versatile media player
iLinux – iLife Alternative and Ipod programs and libraries
“Miscellaneous” contains the following applications
Automatix read/write NTFS and FAT32 Mounter – Automatically mounts all local FAT32 and NTFS Partitions and makes them writable
Ctrl-Alt-Del – This Configures Ctrl-Alt-Del to Open Gnome System Monitor
Debian Menu – Shows all installed applications on your system
Extra Fonts – Additional fonts and msttcorefonts
Nautilus Scripts – Open Nautilus, and any file with gedit with a right click, as root (GNOME ONLY)
Slab – Installs Novell’s “Slab” menu used in SLED 10
“Office” contains the following applications
Acrobat Reader – Adobe Acrobat Reader and plugin for Firefox 2.0
GnuCash – Money management software for GNOME
Google Earth – Satellite Earth imagery application from Google
Google Picasa – Photo editing application from Google
OpenOffice Clipart – clipart in OpenOffice
“Programming Tools” contains the following applications
Anjuta – C/C++ Development enviroment
Bluefish – HTML Editor
Gambas – Gambas is a free development environment based on Basic interpreter like Visual Basic
SUN Java 1.5 JDK – Sun’s Version 1.5 JDK
Screem – Gnome website development environment
Scribus – Desktop publishing software
Stanis Python Editor – A powerful python IDE
“Utilities” contains the following applications
Archiving Tools – Additional archiving tools (rar, unrar, ace, and 7zip)
Backup and Restore – A graphical backup and restore solution for Ubuntu (GNOME)
Beagle – A Mono-based desktop search program
Boot-up Manager – Easy configuration of startup and shutdown scripts and services
GFTP – FTP client for GNOME with ssh capability
Glipper – Clipboard Manager for Gnome
Gnome Security Suite – ClamAV Antivirus and Firestarter Firewall
GnomePPP – Graphical dialup connection tool
Network Manager – A Program and menu applet that allows you to easily change networks
“Virtualization” contains the following applications
VirtualBox – Runs virtual operating systems
Wine – Installs wine
“Web Browsers” contains the following applications
Opera Browser – Installs Opera Web Browser
Swiftfox Browser – Installs Swiftfox browser for your specific CPU
Now we will see one example how to install Opera web browser using automatix first you need to check the tick box option available next to opera browser application
Now if you want to start installation you need to click on start button available at the top panel
Opera Web Browser installation in progress
Uninstall applications Using Automatix
If you want to uninstall any application which you installed using automatix you need to click on uninstall tab select the application you want to uninstall and click on start button on top
Automatix2 is having new feature when you can check your automatix activitylog, change log, Errors and Information and Source list
Sample Activitylog Report
Sample Changelog Report
If you want to see KDE Applications click on Show KDE apps
you download the wrong key at top
thanks poh i have modified the correct key now
Automatix will totally destroy your system on upgrade. And the author is unwilling to fix that. Automatix is sad example of hype that will crash you system :/
Anybody else bothered by the add for the M$ “Get the facts” website?
Seems that most of these programs are already available in the Debian repositories.
The ones that aren’t can be optained from the repositories.
I do like how it presents various applications in a way that my non-Linux geeks friends and family will like.
But I am concerned about what exactly this does to a stock Debian install. I don’t want to do anything that will disrupt the dpkg system. Does it put non-packaged stuff in any of the system directories?
The installation worked but it didn’t run on my comp saying it’s not the correct version of debian. I’m running on Etch RC1
its custom made only for etch i.e. 4.0 and will niether run on 4.0RC or on unstable or testing distro, so people who want cuttin edge will not be able to work with automatix.
also now it is officially recemended not to use automatix coz it can severly disrupt the working of normal system.
better is to stick with you synaptic system and if you want new packages add debian-multimedia repo and debian-unoffical reposatories.
Actually, this “4.0r0” limitation is pretty restricting. My system is running stable, up-to-date, and really as Etch as it could possibly be. Yet my version check reports “not found” and thus I cannot use Automatix2 at all. What a shame!
Can someone let me know where I would normally find this revision number so I can make an attempt at updating it to bring my system into uniformity with the masses (or just spoofing it so I can run the program). Thanks.
To fix the version problem, perform the following:
First u need to install tango-icon-theme here is the link for deb package:…0.8.1-2_all.deb
second download and install automatix
after that open console, become root and run that command
gedit /usr/lib/automatix2/
and change the following lines
#get distro version…
#conf.uVersion = getDistVersion()
#self.splashArea.prog.set_text(”Found %s…”%conf.uVersion)
#if axConf.distro[’version’] != conf.uVersion or axConf.distro[’name’] != conf.uName:
#alert(”This version of Automatix is for %s %s only”%(axConf.distro[’name’],axConf.distro[’version’]),sys.exit)
#check enviroment for synaptic ect…
save and exit gedit…
and start automatix!
thats all