If you want to update all the packages other than one in your debian server follow this procedure There are three ways of holding back packages, with dpkg, aptitude or with dselect.
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Howto Select Fastest Mirror in Debian
If you want to select Fastest Mirror in Debian follow this tutorial and this is very helpful if you want to download and install your debian packages,Updates .netselect-apt automatically creates a sources.list file for using with apt for the specified distribution by downloading the list of Debian mirrors using wget and choosing the fastest servers […]
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How to Install Backports Debian Packages
If You are running Debian stable, because you prefer the stable Debian tree. It runs great, there is just one problem: the software is a little bit outdated compared to other distributions. That is where backports come in.
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How to install Thunderbird in Ubuntu
Hi everybody,Iam a beginner with Linux and I installed Ubuntu a few weeks ago. From here and therein the net, I was able to install every single program I wanted (and yes, from the command line) but I seem to have a few problems now with Thunderbird.
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