Steam is ultimate entertainment platform.Play,connect,create and more. Steam offer a catalog of PC, Mac, and Linux games, many of which support Steam Play so you can buy once and play anywhere, and Cross-Platform Multiplayer so you can play with all your friends, no matter where they log in.
Preparing your system
Install the following package before proceeding next steps
apt-get install jockey-common
Before installing the Steam client in Debian, please run these commands if you are running under a 64-bit system:
sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
Install Steam client on debian 7 (Wheezy)
You need to download .deb package from here or use the following procedure
wget -O steam-debian_1.0.0.39-10-2_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i steam-debian_1.0.0.39-10-2_all.deb
sudo sh /usr/lib/steam/
You can launch steam client using the following client from your terminal
root@Ruud-debian:/home/ruud# apt-get install jockey-common
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package jockey-common
When “sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386” is input, the output is:
sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386
dpkg: error: unknown option –add-architecture
Type dpkg –help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*];
Use `dselect’ or `aptitude’ for user-friendly package management;
Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;
Type dpkg –force-help for a list of forcing options;
Type dpkg-deb –help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
reference to the game how?
I think who wrote this tuttorial was on other distro diferen then Debian 7 becouce “jockey-common”
dose NOT exist in the official repos and Debian package web site even !!!
sorry for my bad englis