How to Convert OGV to FLV Using ffmpeg

This tutorial will explainhow to convert an OGV file to FLV. You will need the ffmpeg audio and video encoder.

Install ffmpeg in debian

#apt-get install ffmpeg

To convert an OGV file to flv file use the following command

ffmpeg -i input_file.ogv output_file.flv

You can shrink the size of the output file using the following command

ffmpeg -i input_file.ogv -s 800×600 output_file.flv

This also reduces the size of the Flash video file.

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3 thoughts on “How to Convert OGV to FLV Using ffmpeg

  1. For better results add -sameq flag (same quality). Output is much better form me.
    ffmpeg -i input_file.ogv -sameq output_file.flv

  2. Nice guide. Not suitable for me. Often Type OGV Converter- Easily Convert OGV to AVI,MP4,WMV,MPEG,and FLV in Google to find a easier guide for me.

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