How to download the accesslog files from bluecoat proxySG device without using FTP

This tutorial will explain download the accesslog files from bluecoat proxySG device without using FTP It is possible to retrieve the data from an access log. The access log is stored as a series of zipped objects, you need to download each log object separatly. Once you have downloaded the objects you then need to […]
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Copy the visual policy (VPM) policies from one bluecoat ProxySG to another

This is very useful if you have an issue with one of your bluecoat proxySG device visual policy manager.The story behind this was when i try to update new policy through VPM all policies are gone and i am seeing blank in VPM to fix this i have to copy policies from my other proxySG […]
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How to enable Jumbo frame support on Juniper ScreenOS firewalls

Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames with more than 1500 bytes of payload. Conventionally, jumbo frames can carry up to 9000 bytes of payload, but variations exist and some care must be taken using the term. Many Gigabit Ethernet switches and Gigabit Ethernet network interface cards support jumbo frames. Some Fast Ethernet switches and Fast Ethernet […]
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